My sole reason for being a Southern Baptist is the Word of God. I was taken to a Southern Baptist Church in Triangle, Virginia when I was just a toddler. There I grew up learning Bible verses, stories and all about missionaries around the world who were sharing God's Word and expressing His love. I saw evidence of God's love in how I was cared for by the FBC in Triangle. I find it most interesting that if you place a dot on the United States map in Triangle, Virginia where I first went to church and then in East Hartford, Connecticut where I received Christ as my Savior, then one in Lawton, Oklahoma where I now reside, and then connect those dots, you will have a triangle.
I trust and believe in a TRIUNE Sovereign God Who manifests Himself through His only begotten Son, named Jesus, Who attoned for my sin and blessed me with His indwelling presence by way of His ever-present Holy Spirit. I was mentored, discipled and loved by multiple Southern Baptist people. I have fellowshipped with many and had the opportunity of serving Christ by serving them as a teacher, a deacon's wife, a minister's wife and a writer.
I have studied other faiths and find the closest any faith has come to following the teachings in the New Testament Church of Acts, is the Southern Baptists. I know many regenerated, born-again Christians of different faiths and count them my brothers and sisters in Christ. But for me, a Southern Baptist Church is a place where I belong. Through Southern Baptists I am fed, reproved, edified, and encouraged. In my church and beyond it I've learned to serve in the greatest capacity as a woman according to God's Word. So. That is why I am a Southern Baptist.
If you are one too, why are you? SelahV
While I am not a SBC, (I am the pastor of a Baptist church in Australia, in our Baptist Union)I wish I was an SBC.
you have a fine heritage of commitment to
a. the Word of God. (the innerrancy of scripture)
b. The gospel of Christ You love the Lord deeply and sincerely becasue of His Substitutionary atoning saccrifice.
c. The second coming of Christ.. few pastors in my country speak about the Second Coming at all.. yet it takes up 1/8th of the epistles, and is our Blessed Hope!)
d. evangelism. You take the lostness of mankind seriously.(you are the most aggressive evangelists I have ever met)
e. discipleship You desire to get people into the Word of God.
For these things I envy you guys!
Grosey: Wow, that is sad that few pastors talk about the second coming. I revel in the thought. I am hereby as a Southern Baptist of over 51 years making you an honorary Southern Baptist because you are one in your heart. :)))
Bet I would be in a LOT of trouble if anyone knew I did that. Hee hee! Let's not tell, okay! SelahV
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