Thursday, November 23, 2006


I started this blog because I have so very many questions. So few answers. Oh, I muddle on through life thinking I have answers. I act like I have answers. I pretend I have answers. I even give answers. But I have no answers. I'd hoped that with a few of the scripture passages I'd pose a question in this blog that would afford opportunity for anyone to give an answer. Not necessarily the answer. But an answer.

Don Francisco wrote a darling little song several years ago that I think we should sing over and over again. In every church gathering. Assembly. Or prayer meeting. "Jesus Is The Answer".

So I won't bother posting anymore questions on this blog. Because all letters lead to words and words to sentences and sentences to paragraphs and paragraphs to pages and pages to chapters and chapters to books and books to volumes. And volumes upon volumes will never ever be able to equal the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End...Jesus the Christ. Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb.

If you have a question, may you find The Only Answer here. selahV

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